Monday, December 15, 2008

The Vision

My two main and life-long interests are food and books. This blog will be primarily about food but will flow between these two topics where they intersect, as I tend to research food and plant information in books.

Food and agriculture, native plants as food, plants native to the western hemisphere utilized for food, origins and geography of food plants, all aspects of these topics and more have interested me since I took a horticulture class in 1981 called Systematics of Fruits and Nuts, Oregon State University, co-taught by Dr. Jim Baggett and Dr. Maxine Thompson. The descriptions of tropical and semi-tropical fruits growing in places exotic to me have stayed on my mind ever since. Whenever and wherever I happen upon fruits, vegetable, recipes that interest me, I will post what I learn.

I have also talked to my family about collecting our family recipes and would like to see family members and friends contribute favorite recipes to someday make into a family cookbook.

1 comment:

  1. Kate,
    I went through a pickled herring state--couldn't get enough of it, but I didn't think that was a family tradition.

    I'm glad that you got this up and going.
    your sis
